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Extreme Weather (Other) (11 Papers)

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Temporal Global Extratropical Cyclones2002 96(Paciorek et al., 2002) averages for large sectors of the hemisphere provide some evidence for increases in storm activity and forcing, but results vary by region and decade. The number of cyclones does not appear to be increasing, but there is evidence for an increase in intense cyclones.
Temporal Alaska Storms Other2012 34(Stegall and Zhang, 2012) frequency of extreme wind events (speed above the 95th percentile winds) shows an increasing trend in all months, with the greatest increase occurring in October, showing 8% more extreme wind events in 2009 comparing to 1979... The significant retreat of sea ice in the study area during the most recent decade (e.g., Comiso et al. 2008; Polyakov et al. 2012) most likely contributes to the strong increasing trend in both wind speeds and frequency of extreme wind events.
Temporal United States Storms Other2009 46(Changnon, 2009) nation's top ten loss events during 1950-2006 reveal a notable temporal increase with most losses in the 1992-2006 period. Causes for the increases could be an increasing frequency of very unstable atmospheric conditions leading to bigger, longer lasting storms, and/or a greatly expanded urban society that has become increasingly vulnerable to hailstorms.
Anthropogenic United States Thunderstorms2013 45Top (Sander et al., 2013) normalized economic and insured losses in the United States east of the Rockies from the period 1970-2009 (March-September) exhibit higher peaks and greater variability in the last two decades than in the preceding two decades...from these findings, we conclude that it is predominantly the change in hazard over time--rather than the change in destructible wealth or vulnerability--that has driven up normalized losses...a high probability is assigned to climatic variations primarily driving the changes in normalized losses since was demonstrated that the findings presented are consistent with the expected effects of anthropogenic climate change.
Temporal United States Tornadoes2016 65(Tippett et al., 2016) extreme value analysis, we find that the frequency of U.S. outbreaks with many tornadoes is increasing and that it is increasing faster for more extreme outbreaks...the estimated number of tornadoes in the 5-year most extreme outbreak roughly doubles from 40 in 1965 to nearly 80 in 2015.
Anthropogenic Australia Coastal Inundation2020 17(Hague et al., 2020) a large coastal city as an example, we show that in Sydney, Australia, frequencies of minor coastal inundation have increased from 1.6 to 7.8 days per year between 1914 and present day. We attribute over 80% of the observed coastal inundation events between 1970 and 2015 to the predominantly anthropogenic increases in global mean sea level.
Warming Canada Lightning2017 204(Veraverbeke et al., 2017) find that lightning ignitions have increased since 1975...lightning ignition explained more than 55% of the interannual variability in burned area, and was correlated with temperature and precipitation
Warming India Lightning2021 11(Chakraborty et al., 2021) increase in surface temperatures has led to enhanced instability and, hence, stronger moisture transport to the upper-troposphere and lower-stratosphere regions, especially along the total, India has faced a 25% increase in lightning frequency (with very high correlation values) in these 17 years (1998-2014).
Temporal Global Extratropical Cyclones2016 38(Chang & Yau, 2016) 1959 and 2010, Pacific storm track activity has likely increased by 10 % or more, while Atlantic storm track activity has likely increased by <10 %
Temporal Global Extratropical Cyclones2016 45(Wang X. L. et al., 2016) the four datasets that cover the period 1958-2010 agree well in terms of trend direction and interannual variability in hemispheric counts of deep-cyclones, showing a general increase in both hemispheres over the past half century.
Warming United Kingdom Storm Surge2022 9(Calafat et al., 2022) rise has been a considerable driver of trends in sea-level extremes since at least 1960...trends in surge extremes and sea-level rise both made comparable contributions to the overall change in extreme sea levels in Europe since 1960.

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