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Heat Waves (43 Papers)

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Warming United States Heat Waves2007 371(Medina-Ramon and Schwartz, 2007) findings suggest that increases in heat-related mortality due to global warming are unlikely to be compensated for by decreases in cold-related mortality and that population acclimatisation to heat is still incomplete.
Anthropogenic United States Heat Waves2012 60Top (Duffy and Tebaldi, 2012) of observations and climate model results shows that previously rare (5th percentile) summertime average temperatures are presently occurring with greatly increased frequency in some regions of the 48 contiguous United States...this result is more consistent with the consequences of increasing greenhouse gas concentrations than with the effects of natural climate variability
Anthropogenic India Heat Waves2019 3(Vittal et al., 2019) heat waves over India have been increasing in frequency and severity during recent decades, and are responsible for thousands of deaths...The conditions in the Atlantic that drove these heat waves were exacerbated by greenhouse gas emissions rather than natural forcing.
Temporal South America Heat Waves2016 23(Ceccherini et al. 2016) study describes the extreme temperature regime of heat waves and cold waves across South America over recent years (1980-2014)...Results indicate an increase in intensity and in frequency of heat waves, especially in the last 10 years.
Temporal Europe Heat Waves2014 173(Fischer and Knutti 2014) two gridded data sets, HadEX2 and GHCNDEX, consistently show an intensification of hot extremes ...over large parts of Europe, parts of northern Asia (around Mongolia) by 2-3K in the period 1960-2010...More than a third of the land fraction experienced trends that are larger than 1 K over the period 1960-2010.
Temporal Global Heat Waves2015 63(Mishra et al. 2015; ) observed station data for 217 urban areas across the globe, we show that these urban areas have experienced significant increases (p-value <0.05) in the number of heat waves during the period 1973-2012.
Warming Global Heat Waves2013 96(Coumou et al., 2013), the number of local record-breaking monthly temperature extremes is now on average five times larger than expected in a climate with no long-term warming...Summertime records, which are associated with prolonged heat waves, increased by more than a factor of ten in some continental regions including parts of Europe, Africa, southern Asia and Amazonia.
Temporal Global Heat Waves2014 306Top (Russo et al., 2014) show that the percentage of global area affected by heat waves has increased in recent decades...In the 11 years between 2002 and 2012, the percentage of global area affected by moderate (HWMI >=2), severe (HWMI >=3), and extreme (HWMI >=4) heat waves was threefold greater than in the previous periods (1980-1990 and 1991-2001)
Temporal Eastern Mediterranean Heat Waves2019 25(Founda et al., 2019) historical air temperature data at a number of stations at the Eastern Mediterranean...observational data reveals significant changes in the seasonality of hot extremes and specifically lengthening of their period, which in some cases exceeds 10 days per decade
Temporal United States Heat Waves2020 22(Tavakol et al., 2020) the period 1948-2017 for the Mississippi River Basin (MRB), which covers approximately 41% of the Contiguous United States...more frequent and longer heat waves were observed in western and north-western MRB...a significant increase happened starting in 1994 in the percentage of area with a HW longer than 10 consecutive days.
Temporal United States Heat Waves2020 19(Keelings and Moradkhani, 2020) the United States during 1981-2018... the spatiotemporal evolution of combined heat wave characteristics shows considerable increases during this period and indicates a substantial increase in heat wave hazard across the United States...extreme heat events have become more likely through the record as evidenced by the statistically significant (at the 0.05 significance level) upward trend in AHSCI (9.5 decade -1) for the continental United States.
Temporal China Heat Waves2020 22(Luo et al., 2020) observational and reanalysis datasets, here we investigate the heatwave behaviors in arid northwest China (ANC) during 1961-2014...over the long-term period, the heatwave in ANC exhibits significant intensifying trends in terms of increasing frequency (0.40 events decade-1), prolonging duration (1.67 days decade-1), and strengthening amplitude (0.32 C decade-1)
Warming Global Heat Waves2020 175(Raymond et al., 2020) comprehensive evaluation of weather station data shows that some coastal subtropical locations have already reported a TW of 35 C and that extreme humid heat overall has more than doubled in frequency since 1979
Warming Global Heat Waves2020 61(Li et al., 2020) historical ~1 C of global-mean surface air temperature increase above preindustrial levels has already increased the population annually exposed to at least one day with wet bulb globe temperature exceeding 33 C (the reference safety value for humans at rest per the ISO-7243 standard) from 97 million to 275 million.
Temporal Iran Heat Waves2020 13(Fathian et al., 2020) temperature and precipitation data of 76 synoptic stations were selected for trend analysis throughout Iran during the period 1981-2010...the results of 11 extreme temperature-related indices showed, in general, warm indices such as the number of warm days (TX90p), warm nights (TN90p), and warm spell duration (WSDI) had an increasing trend
Temporal United States Heat Waves1998 118(Gaffen & Ross, 1998) we show that the frequency of extreme heat-stress events in the United States, caused by extremely hot and humid days as well as by heatwaves lasting for several days, has increased over the period from 1949 to 1995.
Warming Global Heat Waves2017 354(Diffenbaugh et al., 2017) find that historical warming has increased the severity and probability of the hottest month and hottest day of the year at >80% of the available observational area...79% of the observed area exhibits a statistically significant trend in peak summer monthly temperature.
Anthropogenic Global Heat Waves2016 55Top (Knutson & Ploshay, 2016) a heat stress metric we use a simplified wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) index...our analysis suggests that there has been a detectable anthropogenic increase in mean summertime heat stress since 1973, both globally and in most land regions analyzed.
Temporal United States Heat Waves2012 195(Smith et al., 2012) the period 1979-2011 across the Continental United States...positive trends (increases in number of heat wave days per year) were greatest in the Southeast and Great Plains regions, where more than 12% of the land area experienced significant increases in the number of heat wave days per year for the majority of heat wave indices.
Warming China Heat Waves2020 16Top (Xie et al., 2020) the 1960s, the frequencies of the mild, moderate, severe, and extreme heat waves in China have increased significantly with rates of 7.5, 4.3, 1.4, and 1.8 events per year, respectively.
Temporal Turkey Heat Waves2010 227(Kuglitsch et al., 2010) the 1960s, the mean heat wave intensity, heat wave length and heat wave number across the eastern Mediterranean region have increased by a factor of 7.6 +/- 1.3, 7.5 +/- 1.3 and 6.2 +/- 1.1, respectively.
Temporal France Heat Waves2007 330(Della-Marta, 2007) the period 1880 to 2005 the length of summer heat waves over Western Europe has doubled and the frequency of hot days has almost tripled
Warming China Heat Waves2020 21(Deng et al., 2020) China (SWC) has suffered from increasing frequency of heat wave (HW) in recent summers...based on ERA-5 reanalysis, it is found that the SWC summer HWs are significantly correlated with sea-ice losses in the Barents Sea, Kara Sea and the Arctic pole.
Warming India Heat Waves2020 16(Singh et al., 2020) the mid-20th century, an increasing trend in the characteristics of heat waves has been observed over India causing an increased rate in human mortality...the study found a Spatio-temporal shift in the occurrence of HW events with a significantly increasing trend in three prominent heat wave prone regions i.e., Northwestern, Central and South-Central India, highest being in West Madhya Pradesh (0.80 events/year)
Anthropogenic Global Heat Waves2020 18Top (Chambers, 2020) have become more frequent and intense due to anthropogenic global warming... from 1980 to 2018... we demonstrated that there is a clear trend in increasing heatwave days globally.
Warming Global Heatwaves2020 54(Mukherjee and Mishra, 2020) regions across the globe witnessed rise in compound drought and heatwave frequency (1-3 events/year), duration (2-10 days/year), and severity. This increasing pattern is spatially asymmetric, and greater amplification is observed across the Northern hemisphere due to recent warming.
Warming South Africa Heat Waves2021 12(van der Walt & Fitchett, 2021) study presents the first comprehensive annual and seasonal, spatial and temporal trend analyses of daily maximum and minimum extreme temperature events recorded from 20 meteorological stations across South Africa, spanning 1960-2016...results show a general annual trend increase in maximum temperature at a rate of 0.02 C year-1...a general increasing trend in heatwave events is recorded at 0.03 events year-1 countrywide.
Warming Brazil Heat Waves2021 35(Geirinhas et al., 2021) the period of 1980-2018...our results confirm that the Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais states have recorded pronounced and statistically significant increases in the number of compound summer drought and heatwave episodes.
Warming Romania Heat Waves2021 8(Micu et al., 2021) results show a significant warming trend...and a significant increase in absolute maximum temperatures, summer days and warm spell duration.
Temporal Australia Heat Waves2021 10(Jyoteeshkumar reddy et al., 2021) also investigated the heatwave and severe heatwave trends...over selected time periods (1911-2019, 1911-1964, and 1965-2019)...the results highlight that the severe heatwave cumulative magnitude and their season duration have been increasing significantly in recent decades over Australia's southern coastal cities (like Melbourne and Adelaide).
Warming United Kingdom Heat Waves2021 1(Beckett & Sanderson, 2021) of land in the United Kingdom (UK) affected by heatwaves between 1960 and 2019 have been analysed using a daily gridded temperature dataset....positive trends in numbers, durations and areas of heatwaves were found as a result of rising summer temperatures.
Warming Indonesia Heat Waves2022 2(Li, Yuan and Hang, 2022) the observational and reanalysis data, we find that in most parts of Southeast Asia, heat waves are becoming more frequent, longer-lasting and stronger, and affect more land areas.
Warming North Korea Heat Waves2022 1(Om et al., 2022) aim of the study is to estimate the trend in extreme temperature events in the northern part of Korean Peninsula during 1960-2019...frost days (FD0) and ice days (ID0) showed a clear downward trend, whereas warm days (SU25) and warm nights (TR20) experienced an obvious uptrend, with SU25 exceeding TR20, while very hot days (TX35), extreme hot days (TX37) and very extreme hot days (TX39) showed abrupt increasing trends.
Warming Greece Heat Waves2022 3(Founda et al., 2022) significant trends (p < 0.01) in the number of Heat Waves (HWs) events and frequency of HWs days have been found in the area, irrespective of HWs definition. Changes in the timing of HWs - consistent across definitions- have been also found, resulting in the lengthening of HWs season by up to 7 days/decade since the 1960s.
Anthropogenic China Heat Waves2020 (Li et al., 2020) show that summer mean WBGT has increased almost everywhere across China since 1961 due to human-induced climate change. Consequently, hot summers as measured by summer mean WBGT are becoming more frequent and more conducive to heat stress...these hot WBGT summers have become more than 140 times as likely in Eastern China in the present decade 2010s compared to a 1961-1990 baseline period.
Warming China Heat Waves2021 (Wang and Yan, 2021) study revealed an approximate doubling in both the frequency and the magnitude of regional heat wave events observed over 1960-2018 in China...the annual frequency of regional heat wave events has increased with a linear trend of 2.73 events decade -1.
Anthropogenic Global Heat Waves2021 (Robinson et al., 2021) are now entering an era with heat extremes that simply would not have occurred without climate change...the land area affected by 3-sigma heat has almost doubled and 4-sigma heat has now newly emerged in the observations.
Warming Florida Heat Waves2022 (McAllister, Stephens, and Milrad, 2022) Florida, summer heat waves have increased in frequency and duration...for eight Florida cities, this study constructs summer climatologies and trend analyses (1950-2020) of two heat stress metrics: heat index (HI) and wet-bulb globe temperature (WBGT)...danger (103-124F; 39.4-51.1C) HI and high (>88F; 31.1C) WBGT summer days exhibit significant frequency increases across the state.
Warming Czech Republic Heat Waves2021 (Zahradnicek et al., 2021) general, statistically significant increasing linear trends were recognized in series of absolute TMAX, absolute TMIN, numbers of summer days, tropical days, days with tropical nights, heat-wave, and warm-anomaly days.
Warming United States Heat Waves2022 (Shenoy et al., 2022) yearly trends of the risk of a 100-y high-temperature event show an average 2.1-fold increase over the last 41 y of data across all months, with a 2.6-fold increase for the months of July through October.
Warming India Heat Waves2024 (Ambika, Rajeev, Huber, 2024) demonstrate that the extreme moist heat has increased in monsoon season and is further exacerbated during the break period. The overall increase in the area and population exposure shows that the change in the magnitude of extreme moist heat is highly correlated with the observed global warming trends.",2,6,2024-07-22 21:33:43.000000,Heat Waves,2024,Heat Waves,India,in,Warming
Warming Italy Heat Waves2024 (Settanta et al., 2024) time frame considered ranges from 1991 to 2020, providing information about the present Italian climate...the two methods are in agreement in describing an increasing presence of heat extremes, in terms of overall frequency, duration and intensity.
Warming Argentina Heat Waves2024 (Cimolai and Aguilar, 2024) ERA5-LAND data (Tx and Tn), our study has demonstrated how heatwaves have increased across most regions of Argentina during the 1950-2022 period

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