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Shortlist Attribution Region Category Citation Count Year Cite As DOI Key Quote
Warming China Crops 2272009(You et al., 2009) we use a 1979-2000 Chinese crop-specific panel dataset to investigate the climate impact on Chinese wheat yield growth...Rising temperature over the past two decades accounts for a 4.5% decline in wheat yields in China
Temporal China Reduced Streamflow 582011(Fischer et al., 2011) tests are applied to daily temperature and precipitation data from 1961 to 2007 of 192 weather stations...The magnitude of indices describing dryness has increased in the Zhujiang River Basin, and dry periods have become longer while wet periods have shortened in time.
Temporal China Floods 282005(Fengqing et al., 2005) is an increasing trend in flood disasters in Xinjiang during the second half of the 20th century, especially since the mid-1980s...the occurrence of flood disasters could be mainly induced by local human activities before the mid-1980s, and thereafter mainly by abnormal precipitation in Xinjiang...records showed that the number of heavy rainfall events and the frequency of rainstorm flood disasters increased since the 1980s
Temporal China Desertification 82019(Yin et al. 2019) delineated the AHCR of China using information about the balance of the atmospheric water supply and demand collected from 581 meteorological stations over the past 50 years...results indicate that the semi-arid region expanded significantly over the last five decades, mainly in northwest China, northern China, and the Tibetan Plateau and, by the 2000s, had increased by 33.53% relative to its extent in the 1960s.
Temporal China Extreme Precipitation 662017(Ma et al., 2017) precipitation records from over 700 Chinese stations from 1956 to 2005 are analyzed. The results show a significant shift from light to heavy precipitation over eastern China.
Temporal China Drought 3312009(Zhou et al., 2009) the recent decades, the EASM [East Asian summer monsoon] has been weakening from the end of the 1970s which results in a "southern China flood and northern China drought" rainfall pattern...the pronounced weakening tendency of the EASM in recent decades is unprecedented.
Temporal China Apparent Temperature 12019(Li et al., 2019) paper demonstrates that the [apparent temperature] over China, as revealed by daily station- observed data, has generally increased faster than the [surface air temperature] during summertime in the past 50 years (1968-2017).
Warming China Crops 182018(Zhang and Hu, 2018) corn growing season had a drying trend during 1981-2009 in the whole study region, and this trend reach 90% confidence level over half of the region...drought is becoming serious under global warming. There is a positive correlation between corn yield losses and drought hazards.
Warming China Crops 112015(Zhang et al., 2015) results indicate that a significant warming-drying trend existed in the northern agro-pastural ecotone of China from 1980 to 2009, and this trend significantly decreased crop (spring wheat, naked oat, and potato) yields. Furthermore, the yield decreased by 16.2%-8.4% with a 1 C increase in maximum temperature and decreased by 6.6% - 11.8% with a 10% decrease in precipitation
Temporal China Hurricanes 232020(Liu et al., 2020) study investigates the trend in destructive potential of landfalling tropical cyclones (TCs) in terms of power dissipation index (PDI) over mainland China in the period of 1980-2018. Results show that both the accumulated PDI and averaged PDI after landfall show significant increasing trends.
Anthropogenic China Drought 182020Top (Li et al., 2020) results show that summer hot drought events over northeastern China increased from 1961 to 2005...increased greenhouse gases emission forcing (GHG), and anthropogenic forcing (ANT) can largely reproduce the spatial and temporal features of the trends of summer hot drought events over northeastern China.
Temporal China Drought 112020(Han et al., 2020) China from 1950 to 2009...the annual and seasonal drought intensities have increased slightly in the past 60 years, while the disturbed area has broadened significantly, especially in eastern China which has become much drier than before.
Warming China Crops 82020(Bai & Xiao, 2020) on the observed data from 51 agro-meteorological stations across China during 1981-2010...the results indicated that climate change during the past three decades had a negative impact on rice growth and development.
Anthropogenic China Drought 832017Top (Chen and Sun, 2017) occurrences across China increased consistently during 1951-2014, especially during the recent twenty years...external natural forcings were mainly responsible for the variability of droughts and anthropogenic influences for their increasing trends, suggesting that anthropogenic warming has increased hot drought occurrences, associated risks and impacts across China.
Temporal China Heat Waves 222020(Luo et al., 2020) observational and reanalysis datasets, here we investigate the heatwave behaviors in arid northwest China (ANC) during 1961-2014...over the long-term period, the heatwave in ANC exhibits significant intensifying trends in terms of increasing frequency (0.40 events decade-1), prolonging duration (1.67 days decade-1), and strengthening amplitude (0.32 C decade-1)
Warming China Groundwater 5022007(Cheng & Wu, 2007) studies have reported permafrost degradation under climate warming in the 20th century in the Northern Hemisphere...long-term temperature measurements indicate that the lower altitudinal limit of permafrost has moved up by 25 m in the north during the last 30 years...permafrost degradation is one of the main causes responsible for a dropping groundwater table at the source areas of the Yangtze River and Yellow River, which in turn results in lowering lake water levels, drying swamps and shrinking grasslands.
Warming China Floods 1652007(Jiang, Su and Hartmann, 2007) suspected impact of climate warming on precipitation distribution is examined in the Yangtze River Basin. Daily precipitation data for 147 meteorological stations from 1961-2000 and monthly discharge data for three stations in the basin have been analyzed...the rainstorms have aggravated floods in the middle and lower Yangtze River Basin in recent decades. The observed trends in precipitation and rainstorms are possibly caused by variations of atmospheric circulation (weakened summer monsoon) under climate warming.
Temporal China Extreme Precipitation 152011(Liu et al., 2011) China over the period of 1960-2000...there has been an increasing trend in the frequency of precipitation exceeding the long-term mean 97.5th percentile and 99th percentile values.
Warming China Heat Waves 162020Top (Xie et al., 2020) the 1960s, the frequencies of the mild, moderate, severe, and extreme heat waves in China have increased significantly with rates of 7.5, 4.3, 1.4, and 1.8 events per year, respectively.
Warming China Heat Waves 212020(Deng et al., 2020) China (SWC) has suffered from increasing frequency of heat wave (HW) in recent summers...based on ERA-5 reanalysis, it is found that the SWC summer HWs are significantly correlated with sea-ice losses in the Barents Sea, Kara Sea and the Arctic pole.
Temporal China Extreme Precipitation 42020(Jian et al., 2020) extreme precipitation have significantly increased in 1961-2012...the frequency and proportion of extreme precipitation were significantly increased by 2.0-4.7% and 2.3-2.9% per decade, respectively, mainly in south China and Yangtze River Basin.
Anthropogenic China Drought 112020(Chen, 2020) 1970-2017...the intra-seasonal distribution of precipitation, in both frequency and amount, has been getting significantly more uneven...suggesting detectable contributions from anthropogenic climate change...the increased unevenness has led to significant lengthening of the longest dry spells
Warming China Hurricanes 12020(Ji et al., 2020) the southeastern coastal area of China for the past 60 terms of climate change response, it is clear that the frequency, duration, and intensity of storm surges have increased significantly since the end of the 1980s...with the intensification of climate warming, the intensity has increased rapidly.
Warming China Intensity 32021(Xiao et al., 2021) further show that tropical cyclones (TCs) forming in the sea surface near land (6-21N, 130-137E) have been more likely to intensify to super TCs in recent years...the intensification of TC is mainly due to the increase in the intensification rate, which increases with increased sea surface temperature (SST)...western South China, Southeast China, and Japan are facing an increase in landfalling super TCs.
Warming China Hurricanes 52021(Wei et al., 2021) frequency and duration of Tropical Cyclone (TC) induced regional heavy precipitation events (RHPEs) are significantly increasing in southeastern and northeastern China...meanwhile, the exceedance probability of extreme TC-induced RHPEs is increasing in recent decades.
Warming China Drought 42021(Sun et al., 2021) indicate a significant increasing trend in drought severity in [northern East Asia]...correlation analysis indicates that the intensification of drought in NEA is strongly related to the changes in average temperature and related ECIs
Warming China Crops 152021(Wang et al., 2021), on the basis of a unique historical dataset with more than 5,500 statistical records, we found an increased occurrence of crop pests and diseases (CPD) in every province of China, with the national average rate of CPD occurrence increasing by a factor of four (from 53% to 218%) during 1970-2016. Historical climate change is responsible for more than one-fifth of the observed increment of CPD occurrence...ranging from 2% to 79% in different provinces.
Temporal China Extreme Precipitation 12022(Zhang and Zhao, 2022) terms of extreme precipitation events, precipitation persistence showed a decreasing trend, but an increasing trend in precipitation intensity and magnitude in most regions of China.
Warming China Crops 52022(Tao et al., 2022) 1981-2018, climate warming shortened growing period (GP) on average by 4.2 and 4.6 days/decade for winter and spring wheat, respectively.
Anthropogenic China Heat Waves02020(Li et al., 2020) show that summer mean WBGT has increased almost everywhere across China since 1961 due to human-induced climate change. Consequently, hot summers as measured by summer mean WBGT are becoming more frequent and more conducive to heat stress...these hot WBGT summers have become more than 140 times as likely in Eastern China in the present decade 2010s compared to a 1961-1990 baseline period.
Temporal China Drought02020(Li et al., 2020) is one of the major natural disasters in northern the Inner Mongolian Plateau from 1962 to 2017...the degree of drought in the study area has increased.
Warming China Heat Waves02021(Wang and Yan, 2021) study revealed an approximate doubling in both the frequency and the magnitude of regional heat wave events observed over 1960-2018 in China...the annual frequency of regional heat wave events has increased with a linear trend of 2.73 events decade -1.

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